Petar Todorinski

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Mata Hari

So we went to that hotel. It was a place I knew well. It was the spot where we handlers met with field operatives.  The program was running for decades. The balance of the powers in Eastern Europe is a delicate thing. In this post Communist shit hole, the Russians still have the power. All the money they spend to buy politicians, media and all the loud stupid people on the street, give them the power to do whatever they want. And here we are. With their tactics against them. Trying to keep the balance. The government officials could not resist our specially selected and trained female agents. They had only one objective. Get information. No matter how. Sex, blackmail even violence. But she fell in love with her mark. Love is a weakness that we could not afford. She had to go. What a waste. She is so young. At the prime of her life, but the rules of the agency are ruthless. Feelings lead to errors and  errors lead to failed missions. And we can’t afford that. At lest with the glass with the fingerprints of the representative we will tighten our grip even more.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Or maybe not :)